![]() In this picture we are making direct spatial translations of our environment and a text of Tomas' environment. Tomas is a system impacted artist based in the USA. We transcended borders with our translations as we had participants located in the USA, India and Finland. Click here to see the string of interpretations: https://freetranslation.prisonspace.org/?id=detail_600 You are warmly welcomed to join the screening of the short film made collectively during the Trojan Horse Summer School 2020 – Film Making as Spatial Speculation on Friday, October 2nd from 17:00-19:00 (Finnish time). Over the summer I participated in this great event where I camped and created with people on Bengtsår Island in Finland with other participants located in the USA and in India. I was very happy with the random algorithm when picking my video pen friend. Over the course of the week Sachin Yaduvanshi and I exchanged ideas, personal histories and our environments in the most meaningful way despite the miles separated us. One of the main reasons why I wanted to join Trojan Horse was to see how to make filmmaking an inclusive tool. Due to everybody's willingness to experiment and explore and to the great guidance we had from the organisers and mentors, I feel that that was achieved. Thank you for making this possible! The event will take place entirely online on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87657835466... Program: 17:00 - 17:10 opening words 17:10 - 18:00 screening of the film 18:00 –19:00 discussion with the participants, mentors, and organisers Trojan Horse summer school 2020 took place on Bengtsår island and online on August 10–16. Five participants and three organizers were camping on the island in southern Finland and six participants and three mentors took part remotely from their homes and studios. During the week we shared time, stories, meals and music. Payal Kapadia, P. Sam Kessie, and Nicole Killian offered exercises for collective filmmaking reflecting the theme “Film Making as Spatial Speculation”. The workshops addressed questions related to island, bodies, memory, and collective practices. We watched films, recorded sounds, wrote body scores, and scripts. We made video letters that together formed a collaborative short film. The videoletters are made by: Shareef Askar, Kate Auman, Jo Hislop, Risto Kujanpää, Christine Yerie Lee, Hanan Mahbouba, Utkarsh Raut, Arlene Tucker, Sachin Yaduvanshi, and Karina Zavidova. The participants’ video letter correspondence - this coalition of short films- will be screened for the first time at the Museum of Impossible Forms in Helsinki on Friday October 2, 2020. You are warmly welcomed to join the screening online via Zoom. Trojan Horse Summer School 2020 - Film Making as Spatial Speculation is supported by SKR Uusimaa. Big thank you to the City of Helsinki for taking care of us in Bengtsår, Aalto University for lending their equipment for the Summer School and Museum of Impossible Forms for hosting us in their virtual and physical space. Trojan Horse is an autonomous educational platform (1) based in Helsinki. Trojan Horse organizes summer schools (2), live action role-plays, workshops and reading circles in the landscapes of architecture, design and art. Trojan Horse aims to create flexible yet steady structures that support critical discourses over a longer time span while remaining open for cross-pollinations and changes. Trojan Horse encourages designers and architects to do more experimental projects, research-based work and form bolder political statements (3).
Trojan Horse is currently organized by a group of six people in collaboration with its participants. The content of the events is a result of a collective effort, shared between the facilitators, participants, and everyone whose work supports our gatherings. As any collective or experimental endeavor, Trojan Horse still requires time, thought and effort to develop. Its identity is hybrid and under constant formation. https://trojanhorse.fi --- Museum of Impossible Forms is a cultural space, located in Kontula, Helsinki. It is a contested Space and it represents a contact zone, a space of unlearning, formulating identity constructs, norm-critical consciousness and critical thinking. Impossible Forms are those that erase and facilitate the process of transgressing the boundaries/borders between art, politics, practice, theory, the artist and the spectator. For 2019-2020, Museum of Impossible Forms operates under the curatorial theme of ‘The Atlas of Lost Beliefs (For Insurgents, Citizens and Untitled Bodies)’. Museum of Impossible Forms is a Safer Space. We follow a Safer Space policy to create a welcoming, inclusive, awesome environment. Events at the Museum of Impossible Forms are completely free and accessible without prior booking. https://www.museumofimpossibleforms.org/ Our first Interpreting Free Translations meeting was very personal and intimate. Beautiful March sunlight made Bokvillan's library even more welcoming.
We started by moving around the room and translating own and each others feelings into performance. Then we looked at the artworks on Free Translation online gallery, and each selected pieces for translation. We used collage, writing, embroidery, language, used copy books, photography. We shared stories about identity, speaking own languages, accents. We tried to imagine what it was like for our artists to work on the pieces they have sent. At the end we shared our translations, and talked about the choices we'd made when working on them. Our interpretations are now being uploaded in the gallery under the source images. Welcome to join us next time in Bokvillan on Tuesday, 2.4 from 15:30-18:30. https://www.facebook.com/events/331066980873951/?ti=ia Arlene & Anastasia *Текст на русском языке ниже*
>English version below< Tulkitaan vapaita käännöksiä Tervetuloa meidän taiteen tekemisen sarja. Katsomme ja keskustelemme taiteellisista töistä, jotka ovat saapuneet eri puolilta maailmaa vastauksena vapaiden käännösten (Free Translation) avoimeen kutsuun. Teoksia ovat luoneet ihmiset, joihin on vaikuttanut vankeus, ja ne ovat olleet esillä MAA-tilassa marraskuussa 2018. Kaksituntisen tapaamisen aikana tutustumme teoksiin ja kuulemme tarinoita niitä luoneilta ihmisiltä, joista monet ovat tälläkin hetkellä vankilassa. Tämän jälkeen teemme käännöksiä, vastauksia taideteoksille, ja lataamme ne verkkonäyttelyyn, jossa myös taiteilijat ja suurempi yleisö voivat osallistua dialogiin. Käännökset voivat olla visuaalisia, kirjallisia, kuunnelmia, valokuvia tai muita ilmaisumuotoja. Olet tervetullut tuomaan valitsemiasi materiaaleja – tai vain tuomaan itsesi. Paikka: Bokvillan Kirjasto, Hämeentie 125, 00560, Helsinki Milloin: 5. marraskuuta, 2. huhtikuuta, 7. toukokuuta Aika: klo. 15.30-18.30 Kielet: Suomi, englanti, venäjä Kenelle: kaikkien ikäisille Lisätietoa tapahtumasta meihin voit ottaa yhteyttä Anastasia Artemeva ja Arlene Tucker sähköpostilla osoitteeseen info(at)prisonspace.org. --- Interpreting Free Translations Welcome to our art-making sessions. We will view and discuss artworks received from all over the world in response to the Free Translation open call. These artworks are created by people affected by incarceration, and exhibited in MAA-tila in November 2018. During the two hour session we will view the works and hear the stories of people who created them, many of whom are currently in prison. We will then create translations - responses to the artworks and upload them on the online exhibition, for the artists and for the general public to see and continue the dialogue. The translations can be visual, written, audible, photographic, or in any other form. You are welcome to bring materials of your choice - or simply bring yourself. Place: Bokvillan Library, Hämeentie 125, 00560, Helsinki Date: March 5th, April 2nd, May 7th Time: 15:30-18.30 Languages: English, Russian, Finnish All ages are welcome For more information please contact Anastasia Artemeva and Arlene Tucker at info(at)prisonspace.org --- Интерепретируя Свободный перевод Добро пожаловать на встречу по теме выставки Свободный перевод. Мы будем изучать произведения искусства, полученные из разных стран мира, и созданные людьми, на судьбу которых повлияло ограничение свободы. Эти работы были показаны на выставке в пространстве MAA-tila в Хельсинки в ноябре 2018 года. В течение трехчасовой встречи мы рассмотрим рисунки, услышим стихи, и узнаем личные истории авторов работ, многие из которых в настоящее время находятся в тюрьме. Мы создадим свои собственные творческие работы, интерпретируя, “переводя” услышанное и увиденное, и загрузим из на сайт онлайн выставки, где их увидят авторы и публика. Мы будем писать письма, рисовать, фотографировать, и использовать разные другие формы художественного самовыражения. Приносите любимые материалы, или просто приходите. Место: Библиотека Kafilla Bokvillan, 00560, Hämeentie 125, Helsinki Дата 7 мая 2019 года Время 15.30-18.30 К участию приглашаются взрослые и дети любого возраста. Bokvilla: http://arabianasukastalot.fi/ freetranslation.prisonspace.org/ prisonspace.org/ We are very honoured to be invited to speak at HAM as part of Taidekoulu MAA's artist talk series at the museum. Read more about that here.
/// Artists Arlene Tucker (Translation is Dialogue), Anastasia Artemeva, and musician Sonny Elinkautinen Nyman will present their current collaboration Prison Outside. The research behind this project is centred on the subjects of imprisonment, justice, and the role of the arts in the relationships between people in prisons and people on the outside. We are interested in perceptions of incarcerated individuals and ex-convicts in the society, and how we can break stereotypes and support each other. It is also a platform where contributing artists can produce their own artistic projects related to imprisonment. In the year 2018 we are working closely with Moscow University of Psychology and Education, and young people in juvenile detention schools in Finland and Russia. During the presentation for Taidekoulu Maa at HAM on 13.9 we will discuss past and current projects by Prison Outside and its collaborators. Together we will learn about process-based practices and methodologies for artistic exchange. Through practical examples we will discuss how to design and realise a socially-engaged project. We will share our experiences and challenges of a cross-cultural multidisciplinary collaborations. We invite you to the project! This fall we are looking for a curatorial assistant for the Free Translation exhibition, and a program assistant, a photographer and interpreters, for the international multidisciplinary conference Prison Outside #2 in Helsinki in November. Learn more about Prison Outside at HAM on 13.9 or email [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/events/723082974695690/ Prison Outside #2 is a cross-disciplinary discussion on artistic projects in and around prison. It takes place on November 21st-23rd in Helsinki and will present speakers from Finland, Russia, Ireland, USA, and Belgium. The program in PUBLICS and MAA-tila will include presentations, round table discussions, film screenings, and workshops. Free Translation, an exhibition of artistic and literary works on imprisonment will be launched during the conference. We will discuss artistic practices in prison, and their effect on rehabilitation, understanding the histories of incarceration, and encouraging communication between people of different walks of life.
Artists, researchers, teachers, students, ex-convicts are very welcome to join the discussion. This event will be held in English, Finnish and Russian languages. Full program coming soon!
Here I am in Kokkola, Finland devoting 3 weeks to Translation is Dialogue and our new initiative, Let it Out. To read more about what I have been doing during this residency, please click here for the 1st post and here for the 2nd post. During my Artist Talk on March 28th it was lovely not only to share my work, but also to have time to speak with the students about their own artistic practice and experience.
I can shortly say that it has been an incredibly productive, relaxing, and stimulating time in Northwest Finland! Big thanks to everybody at Nordic Art School, ITE-Museum, K.H. Renlund Museum and Mäntykankaan koulu. Hope we get to meet and make art again together! With love, Arlene It was an honour to have been asked to make an interview with Jessica Poikkijoki from Kulturredaktör Österbottens Tidning. She asked me many meaningful questions that gave me the opportunity to reflect upon why I do what I do and what Let it Out means to me. This is all part of the process!
Thank you for your support! На фестивале CulturaFest пройдёт мастер-класс в рамках проекта «Тюрьма снаружи». С помощью художественных практик участникам воркшопа предлагается подумать о значении социальной справедливости, наших сходствах и различиях, и о том, как мы относимся друг к другу. У каждого участника мастер-класса будет возможность выразить всё то, что есть внутри, и таким образом стать частью общей истории. Мы будем слушать музыку, писать стихи, рисовать, и использовать необычные техники перевода для творческого перевоплощения.
Анастасия Артемьева - руководитель проекта Тюрьма Снаружи. Тюрьма Снаружи представляет коллаборативные проекты в и о тюрьме и изучает отношение общества к заключенным. Арлин Такер - создатель проекта Перевод это Диалог в своей художественной практике совмещает нестандартные техники перевода, а так же образовательный подход к творчеству и восприятию искусства. Репер Сонни Блэк знает о тюрьме не понаслышке. Освободившись после многих лет заключения, Блэк преподает музыку ребятам на улицах Хельсинки и в коррекционных учреждениях по всей Финляндии. Расписание: 4 ноября 12:00–14:00, киноцентр Kino K-13, Kanavakatu 12, Хельсинки 18 ноября 16:00–18:00, Молодёжный центр Arkki, Liesitori 1A, 3-й этаж, Вантаа Возраст: подростки в возрасте 13–19 лет Языки: русский, финский и английский Регистрация: кол-во мест ограничено – 15 человек, заявки принимает Надежда Симакина [email protected] +++ CulturaFest will host a workshop that is part of the project Prison Outside. Through artistic practices, the workshop participants will proceed to thinking about social justice, different walks of life and how we treat each other. The workshop participants will have an opportunity to express their feelings and thoughts, and thus become a part of a shared history. We will listen to music, write poetry, make art and use translation techniques to creatively cross mediums. Anastasia Artemeva is the manager of Prison Outside - a project dedicated to possibilities and ways of connecting with people in and after prison. Arlene Tucker is the author of the ongoing art installation Translation is Dialogue. One aspect of this project is a pedagogical approach to make art by using translation techniques. This process allows awareness of how one would like to communicate creatively and to build paths for understanding. Sonny “Elinkautinen” Black is a rap musician based in Helsinki. He has experienced imprisonment firsthand. Sonny works directly with youth in the streets of east Helsinki and through correction institutions all over Finland, making music, singing, and encouraging young people to follow their dreams. Schedule: 4.11. 12:00–14:00, Kino K-13, Kanavakatu 12, Helsinki 18.11. 16:00–18:00, the Arkki Youth Center, Liesitori 1A, 3d flor, Vantaa Age: older children (13-19 years) Language: English, Russian, Finnish Free admission, 15 places per each workshop. Registration: Nadja Simakina, [email protected] +++ Aikataulu: 4.11. 12:00–14:00, Kino K-13, Kanavakatu 12, Helsinki 18.11. 16:00–18:00, Nuorisotila Arkki, Liesitori 1A, 3. kerros, Vantaa Kielet: venäjä, suomi, englanti Ikäsuositus: 13 – 19 vuotta Sisäänpääsy: 15 paikkaa, etukäteisilmoittautuminen: Nadja Simakina [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/events/184008165502972/ |
ContributorsArlene Tucker: author and curator of TID Arch